Like Zeroheight, but with zero effort

Publish your design system instantly, directly from Figma.

Why figmayo
Using ‘yet another’ tool to document your design system is time consuming and tedious.

Why use a separate app to create this when everything you need already lives in Figma?
Try it now.
Pop in a share link to a published Figma library and we’ll do the rest. It will only work with a paid Figma plan.
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Halve your workflow.
Create & publish docs directly from Figma.

By using Figma to publish notes alongside components, say goodbye to maintaining two separate sources of documentation. Useful information is where it needs to be, no matter who is looking for it.

Turn your libraries into a design system website, with a one click and instantly share it.
Use our plugin to turn your libraries into an online design system document, with a single click.

Design changes are reflected, instantly.

Any change made in Figma to naming, structure, components and notes can be published automatically, drastically simplifying and speeding up your workflow.
Get early access
Use our plugin to turn your libraries into an online design system document, with a single click.

Quickly connect code.

Add links to Storybook and Code Sandbox in Figma and these will be embedded when published.

All documentation from Figma is added and easy to access.

Storybook and Code sandbox work out the box.

Coming soon...

We have a loads of features and experiments in the pipeline. We'd love feedback from the design, development and product community to help shape what comes next. Please sign up if you'd like to try it out.

Get early access

Custom Branding

Add your logo, brand colors and choose a custom typeface.

Design tokens

Import your tokens from Figma or our preferred plugin.


Quickly see what’s changed and by who.

Custom domain

Connect your site to your company’s URL.

Sign up for early access

We’d love to work with selected early adopters to help us shape the direction of the product. We’ll be in touch shortly.
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