Like Zeroheight, but with zero effort

Publish your design system instantly, directly from Figma.

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FigMayo - Effortless design system documentation | Product Hunt

Halve your workflow
Create & publish docs directly from Figma

By using Figma to publish notes alongside components, say goodbye to maintaining two separate sources of documentation. Useful information is where it needs to be, no matter who is looking for it.

Turn any published Figma library into a fully documented design system website.
Publish it onto a custom domain and share instantly. All with a single click.
Turn any published Figma library into a fully documented design system website.

Publish it onto a custom domain and share instantly. All with a single click.

Connect multiple libraries into a single site on a custom domain

If your design system is split across multiple libraries, you can easily consolidate them into a single site. This makes it easy to browse more complex design systems using a single holistic view.

Make it easy for people to read your component descriptions

Component descriptions are published alongside the component on your site, making them easier to find.

Storybook links get embedded automatically

We detect Storybook and Code Sandbox links and embed them automatically on your site.

Design changes are reflected, instantly

Any change made in Figma to naming, structure, components and notes will automatically update when published, drastically simplifying and speeding up your workflow.

Explore your component variants

Our component explorer lets you toggle between variants to quickly view and compare. This makes it easy for developers, designers and other stakeholders to quickly understand how a component is setup and if it matches the production code.

Add a custom domain

Use a custom URL for each site that you publish. Great for working with multiple clients.

White label multiple sites

Create multiple sites for different brands or verticals. Perfect for agencies.

Restrict access

Control who has access to what within your organisation.

Get started with FigMayo now

Start documenting your design system effortlessly. Fancy a demo or a chat? Please get in touch, would love to talk.

Coming soon

Variables are coming soon and we're super excited to release our dedicated documentation plugin. This will let you attach rich text documentation to components, frames and pages which can be published to your site.
Variables will be added giving you an easy way to browse and share tokens.
Our documentation plugin will let you attach rich text and images to components and pages.

Sign up for early access

We’d love to work with selected early adopters to help us shape the direction of the product. We’ll be in touch shortly.
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